
This is a ‘helper’ project to assist in common but annoying database ops. It uses Liquibase and Apache Ant. Too often, we have to move schemas between db vendors or between servers with limited access or rights. Using Liquibase, it is very simple to do 90% of these operations with very little pain. Here I am sharing a simple project with the 90% set up already. You can check it out at Github.



Main tasks

Main Tasks

  1. ant (Move Database) - Moves the database from the db and puts it in the db.
  2. ant getdb (Get Database) - Extracts both schema and data from source database.
  3. ant putdb (Put Database) - Creates and populated destination database.
  4. ant docdb (Document Schema) - Reads the Liquibase Schema file stored in the “out” directory and creates Javadoc-style documentation in the doc directory.
  5. ant diffdb (Diff) - Diffs source schema and reference schema. Both of these are defined in the file.

Other tasks

  1. ant getschema (Extract Schema) - Extracts the schema defined in the file and stores it in the out directory.
  2. ant getdata (Extract Data) - Extracts the schema defined in the file and stores it in the out directory.
  3. ant putschema (Create Schema) - Reads the Liquibase Schema file stored in the “out” directory and creates this schema in the schema.
  4. ant putdata (Insert Data) - Reads the data file in the out directory and inserts it into the schema defined in the file.

Ant Tasks

Target Description
cleandata Deletes the generated data file from the source database, if it exists.
cleanschema Deletes the generated schema file from the source database, if it exists.
diffdb Performs a diff between the source and the reference database.
docdb Generates documentation for the source database.
dropdb Drops all the database tables from the destination database.
getdata Extract the data to Liquibase format from the source database.
getdb Extracts both the database schema and data to Liquibase format from the source database.
getschema Extract the schema to Liquibase format from the source database.
main Extracts source database schema and data to Liquibase format and creates schema on destination database and inserts data.
putdata Inserts the extracted data on the destination database from Liquibase extract.
putdb Creates the database schema on the destination database and inserts the data from Liquibase extracts.
putschema Creates the database schema on the destination database from Liquibase extract.

Project Directory Structure

|-- build.xml
|-- (this file)
|-- lib/
	|-- ojdbc7.jar
	|-- mysql-connector-java-5.1.42-bin.jar
	|-- mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre8.jar
|-- out/
|-- doc/


  1. Unicode between db vendors.
  2. data type incompatibilities between db vendors.
  3. Binary data types (in Oracle at least).
  4. doc column links do not resolve at data type level. Incorrectly scoped?!


Liquibase Reference